The clients were drag queens and to make a new look for them is this week's challenge. To help introduce the girls to the designers, Chris March of season 4 was there dressed in a costume that he probably made. He looks better in drag (just an opinion). As it should be, it's all about the show dahling...
The guys in drag were very random in the sense that they could be an easy client or a bitchy one. The girl named Sweetie ain't sweet at all and that Lettuce girl was a bit too bitter. I was actually surprised how different they look like out of those costumes, thick make-up and gi-normous wigs... Well, you can't expect much on the fat ones but the big and tall ones, oh boy, oh boy are they hot! Body better than some gym buffs out there. Blayne's the one who made the Pteroductyl dress outta Gay Jurassic park as what Tim described it because of the 'wings' criss-crossing at the back. And for the first time, I felt sorry for Suede because of the remarks his client given him (that he's lazy and stuff)...
If some of this designers enjoyed themselves with the challenge, much more were the judges. RuPaul was this week's guest judge, drag queen extraordinaire. Terri's, Korto's and Joe's were the judges faves but Joe's work stood out (I have to admit, he did a good job) and named the winner of the challenge. It's Daniel's turn to go home after making a bad impression to the judges of being unattentive and doing a dress that's just not drag-aliscious at all... I wonder if he and Wesley were back together now...
By far, Korto and Terri were the consistent judges' faves. I'll bet that one of these two girls could possibly be the winner this season...

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