I believe that every person in existence have their own confinement at one point of their lives that they have to escape and breathe the air that is out there. I'm getting out of mine one step at a time and somehow it's getting better and better for me. As you might have guessed, yes, the "secret" is that I am gay. Call me whatever you want, bash me behind my back, I really don't care. If you're disturbed about it then it's your problem not mine.
I don't think that I'm one of the screaming FAGS out there. I definitely think that I'm not of that kind. I'm not saying this to deny who and what I am but dude, I'm just trying to keep it clean. Trying to get the respect that I deserve. Never ever thinking of putting on any girly clothes for the simple reason that it would make me hurl at myself. I'm just being myself, just like what you see in class or somewhere else.
Surprised? Maybe not (and I don't think so). It won't surprise me at all if more dirty looks would be thrown at me after this for I know that's just how it is. If you'll still consider me as a friend then I'll treasure that forever, if not, well it's your choice. To my dear friends who already know about this long time ago, especially to Angie and Allan, thanks a lot! It is hard to find such friends that are nothing but genuine to me and always open minded...
So, that's about it. Shoot me any questions or what so ever violent reaction and I'll be more than happy to respond on it. Count on that. The next few days after this could be pretty interesting. Let's just see...

it's yeoj b*tch...
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