Marian sure did. This may sound quite bias because I am a proud Kapuso and Marian Rivera fan (I'm jologs I know), but as a human being who can get hurt, I dare say that my stand is by her side.
Last week, this Youtube video dropped like a bomb and made headlines. Obviously, this is an attempt to bring the Dyesebel star's name down. "Kapag ang puno hitik sa bunga, laging pinupukol." Tama ba yun? Anyway, that's the most appropriate line for this situation.
Celebrities are the people whom the ordinary people look up to. Often, they are said to be near perfection. Perfection personified as they are, that won't change the fact that they're still human. At least Marian is not some hypocrite trying to portray a saint just for the sake of her career. Being a true Cavitena and a true Filipina, she's just being the tough girl that she is. Certainly not the type of girl whom you can walk on. What happend here is that she was provoked for her to react in such a way that people would consider very unlady-like.
Please! If this is an attempt on making her look bad, this would have to be the lamest. Terrible in fact. But as lame and terrible as it is, I would like to extend my gratitude to that guy. Thank you because Marian gained even more supporters that detractors. People like the REAL thing now. With her tough persona, she gained more fans for people want someone to look up to who can stand for herself. Marian, good to see some real people in the industry. Keep it up and may God bless you always.
You be the judge:
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