Now this post is long over due so here it is now. Cycle 9 of America's Next Top Model is now taking the world by a storm. This cycle of the numbah one reality show in America (for me) marked its first episode last Sept. 19. I've only get to watch it the next day though. So anyway, the girls go cruisin and the final 13 were named. Funny that people already now who's gonna be in the house before the premier episode. At least we get to see how they're chosen. Sucks thouh because I was expecting a two hour special like the past cycles. Quite disappointed bout it. Fohget bout it and just enjoy it.

Hmmm... Personal picks... I like Lisa. I think everything bout her is very modelesque. Victoria the one with the long face. I have to agree with Tyra that her face is quite interesting. And the girl with the hump, Heather. I think in the end she'll have the most transformation. She actually reminds me of Ms. Shandi Sullivan from Cycle 2. The awkward mousy girl that turned into a super high fashion girl. I hope she'll stay long enough. Lots of black girls this season. Some of 'em can easily be ditected as bitches. Don't wanna name one. Hehe! And oh, the not so plus size girl Sarah. I think she's one of the prettiest girl there. Again another Sarah got into the house. I think she's the 6th. I hope this cycle will be one of the best.
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