I'd like to borrow HenryEvil's latest blog post title for this FINALE review on ANTM 12. For me, it says it all. Nope, I haven't had my fave contender win the title yet [after Danielle's win that is]. But I think it is quite obvious who the real winner is...
It is a bitter sweet ending for this season as Allison Harvard took the second place leaving Teyona as the winner. Who damn cares right?! At least I can breathe now and know for sure that my girl Allison would rock the industry hardcore. Which winner of ANTM's history has gone that far anyway?
Here are the CG photos of the final three:
Aminat -- oddly, I immediately thought of Elizabeth Ramsey...hmmm...why...

Teyona -- what was she selling again?

Allison -- She can be a commercial model too! This photo slightly reminds me of Jenna of Cycle 9.
While I was watching the final two, from the runway [by far not the best one I saw but amazing never the less] to the judges' deliberations, when I thought that it would be an abvious Teyona win, my gosh, Allison really did bring her stuff on the table! I was like, wait, Allison might win this!!! And so she didn't but I'm sure she made us more than proud because just like what Paulina said, she had the further transformation between the two. And that for me is more than satisfying enough. You don't have to win gurl! Anyhow, congratulations Teyona for winning this thing and hoping that you'll make it big yourself [probably not in commercials though]. By the way, what a terrible choice of wardrobe on that final announcement... Swimsuits? Really?

Surprisingly, I don't feel all that bad despite Teyona's win. I guess it was just a long accepted thing that it didn't surprised me at all. At least I can say with all honesty that she's way better than Saleisha... UGH! And I almost forgot to mention, what a terrible wig/extension from the runway to judging... She should be named the girl who always looses her hair in public.
It is a bitter sweet ending for this season as Allison Harvard took the second place leaving Teyona as the winner. Who damn cares right?! At least I can breathe now and know for sure that my girl Allison would rock the industry hardcore. Which winner of ANTM's history has gone that far anyway?
Here are the CG photos of the final three:

Aminat -- oddly, I immediately thought of Elizabeth Ramsey...hmmm...why...

Teyona -- what was she selling again?

Allison -- She can be a commercial model too! This photo slightly reminds me of Jenna of Cycle 9.
While I was watching the final two, from the runway [by far not the best one I saw but amazing never the less] to the judges' deliberations, when I thought that it would be an abvious Teyona win, my gosh, Allison really did bring her stuff on the table! I was like, wait, Allison might win this!!! And so she didn't but I'm sure she made us more than proud because just like what Paulina said, she had the further transformation between the two. And that for me is more than satisfying enough. You don't have to win gurl! Anyhow, congratulations Teyona for winning this thing and hoping that you'll make it big yourself [probably not in commercials though]. By the way, what a terrible choice of wardrobe on that final announcement... Swimsuits? Really?

Surprisingly, I don't feel all that bad despite Teyona's win. I guess it was just a long accepted thing that it didn't surprised me at all. At least I can say with all honesty that she's way better than Saleisha... UGH! And I almost forgot to mention, what a terrible wig/extension from the runway to judging... She should be named the girl who always looses her hair in public.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
gee thanks.... though this is an old one now...hehe! Cycle 13 is already done and soon enough Cycle 14 will air... thank you so much though! keep your comments comming!
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